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Features: J-Bass Jaco set

The HendriX J-Bass Jaco set has a traditional double pole neck pickup and a P-'51 type single pole brdg pickup.
Nearly each bass player who tested the HendriX J-Bass single pole pickup in the brdg position commented:
"This sounds like Jaco!"
So it was obvious to go further with this idea, even if only Jaco had that typical sound in his fingers
it brings 'less gods' a bit closer to the holy grail.

After adjusting the C.S.W. winding pattern to the idea: a bit more growl in the mid range combined with
firm low and transparent high, the Jaco sound started to reveal itself, more and more.
Not all bas guitar players are able to reach the virtuous level of Jaco Pastorius, but with the tone pot a little
turned back, at least the sound helps you to get a bit further.

Because Hendrix pickups fit in standard Fender type bass guitars, it is possible to have this single pole
brdg pickup combined with your original neck pickup. For value and re-sale purposes it makes sense to
keep the original brdg pickup with the instrument.